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Dr. R. Albert Mohler

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. is the President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and a recognized leader in evangelical Christianity. Known for his unwavering commitment to biblical truth and cultural engagement, Mohler has served as a faithful steward of theological education for three decades.

Born October 19, 1959, in Lakeland, Florida, Mohler grew up in a devout Christian home that instilled a deep love for Scripture and the church. His passion for theology and intellectual rigor emerged early, leading him to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from Samford University. Later, he earned a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Philosophy in Systematic and Historical Theology from Southern Seminary.

Mohler’s journey in ministry began at a young age. He served as the pastor of several churches before assuming the presidency of Southern Seminary in 1993, becoming the institution’s ninth president. Under his leadership, Southern Seminary experienced a revitalization, reaffirming its commitment to the authority of Scripture and the Great Commission.

Beyond his academic and administrative responsibilities, Mohler is a prolific author, speaker, and cultural commentator. His insights on pressing issues facing the church and society have earned him widespread acclaim and influence within evangelical circles and beyond.

In addition to his professional endeavors, Mohler is deeply committed to his family. He is married to Mary, his devoted partner in ministry, and together they have two children, Katie and Christopher. Their family life reflects Mohler’s dedication to biblical principles and the importance of nurturing faith within the home.

Throughout his career, Albert Mohler has exemplified a steadfast commitment to the Gospel, equipping the next generation of Christian leaders and engaging the culture with truth and grace. His impact on evangelicalism and theological education is profound, and his legacy inspires countless individuals worldwide.